Friday, December 3, 2010

Cappies Brewhouse

(top left) Kyler Blake walks into Cappies Brewhouse for lunch on Wednesday. (bottom left) Tiffany takes takes the order of Kyler Blake, who enjoys Cappies at least twice a week. Blake has ordered everything on the menu except for one thing, the Shrimp and Avocado Salad, which he is excited to cross off his is list today. The Shrimp and Avocado Salad is a favorite at Cappies. An empty plate is a definite sign of a happy customer. Blake recommends to anyone the shrimp salad. Chad Pope, the head chef and owner of Cappies, prepares steak sliders. Pope has been a chef for over 17 years and started out as Wyatt's original chef in 1996. Cappies now occupies the building where Wyatt's once was. 

Friday, November 19, 2010

Action Photo

(From left) Stephen Roberts, Scott Merrill, Bryce Wells, and Josh Morgan in a scrimmage on the last day of varsity basketball try-outs Wednesday night at West Albany High School. The bulldogs have been within one game of the playoffs for the past two years and have one of the highest grade point averages in the league. Coach Zimmerman is confident that it will be an amazing season.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Photo Story Idea

For my photo story I will be taking pictures at the Pix  Theater  in Albany, OR. I am very excited because I love movies and I know that the Pix will provide many great shots.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Free Photo Assignment- and there is a person in it.

I came home one day and my mom said to me "Hey, How was your day? Look what I found in a box that I got at a garage sale." I now fear those words.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Almost Famous

Top Left: Emma Downtown has its windows covered up for the 2nd annual "Un-wrapping Downtown" event. Many businesses have their windows covered to reveal their Christmas displays. Top right: Memorial Stadium at West Albany High School has held many sporting events from track meets to the annual Powder-puff football game. Bottom left: Madison Stenek has been an employee at the Albany Home Depot for about 7 months. She recently got promoted from a cashier to a head cashier.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Assignment 5

Patti "the Pistol" Ball gives Michael Dowless his prize for playing the slots Friday morning at the Linn-Benton Community College's administration office. Many offices on campus were decorated to welcome trick-or-treaters, including the Road Runner Casino and a safety haunted house complete with a "Home Improvement" safety video.

Assignment 4 Mug Shot 2.0